Vending Machine at the Casarão


Apply the formula of the game Wordle (Terms) to a WhatsApp bot, and then use the points earned in the game to redeem gifts in the vending machine.


Co-created and developed in partnership with Twilio, Bolha hacked its vending machine to connect to the action's WhatsApp bot. Every interaction took place on the bot, it was there that people played and requested the redemption of gifts, causing the vending machine to release the gifts from the orders made directly on the WhatsApp bot.

To play, people had to match a 5-letter word in 5 attempts, following the logic of games like Wordle, Terms or Hangman. And as they played, they accumulated points that could be exchanged for gifts. Points could be accumulated by winning or losing.

Twilio's Vending Machine was an attraction at the CONAREC events in São Paulo, and at the Hack Town 2022 in Minas Gerais.

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